RTLS Tab feature gives specific information about users location and online status.
- When the RTLS tab is clicked, it is highlighted in Green color. All security roles having access to Project Teams will also have access to this tab. User clicks on the 'RTLS' tab. The tab is highlighted in Green.
Grouping by Last seen Status
The ‘Project Team’ members can also be grouped based on Last seen. The grouping will be done in one of the following categories:
a. Today - active today - should have been active at least once today
b. This Week - includes today - should have been active at least once this week
c. Older - excludes today and this week
Filters by Last seen Status
User can also be filtered based on online status, the option are:
- Beaconing now
- Today
- Yesterday
- This Week
- Custom - User gives a date range
Tablet Screens:
The functionalities/features remain same as that of the desktop version. Below are some key screens for device.
Note : When User Offline: If the user is offline, the RTLS tab will show cached data. Since it is not real time/latest data, the pulsating icon & the idle icon next to the user (Green pulsating icon) will not be shown.
Mobile Screens:
The functionalities/features remain same as that of the desktop version. Below are some key screens for device.