BLE RTLS is enabled when Project Name/Project Settings/SmartApp BLE RTLS is turned ON and when User configures Project Locations through Project Settings > Locations
Restricted Area
This is a feature that can be used to restrict access to an area for one or more User(s) or Permission Group(s) or Company(ies). It can be done at any level configured for the Project. This can be done by first restricting access to the area and then granting permission to one or more User(s) or Permission Group(s) or Company(ies).
Note: This configuration is available at all levels defined for the Project. The admin/safety manager has
to use it consciously where exactly permission has to be restricted and who has to be granted access.
1. Users navigates to Project Settings > Locations
2. Users select the first node in the left pane(Buildings in our case).
3. The right pane shows all the Buildings configured for the Buildings node.
4. A new column "Restrict Access" has been added to the grid. For each building it shows the ON / OFF slider (Default OFF). It also has an "Allow Access" link as shown in the mockup.
5. User selects a ‘Building’ and then selects on the 2nd level node (Floors) in our use case.
6. All the Floors configured for the select building will be shown in the right pane. Here as well, a new column ’Restrict Access’ is shown to the user with the slider ON/OFF button.
7. User selects a Floor in the 2nd level node (Floors node)
8. He then highlights the Rooms node. The right pane shows all the rooms configured for the selected floor of the select building. Here as well, a new column "Restricted Access" with ON/OFF slider is added.
9. User turns ON the slider for Room 201. This will restrict access to all the members of the Project, by
10. The link next to the slider "Allow Access" is enabled.
11. User clicks on the "Allow Access" link to open the "Allow Access" popup
12. User can select User(s), and/or Permission Group(s) and/or Company(ies) and click on 'Add Selected'
button. The selected set will get access to the area. Others will not have access by default.
Note: Can group and filter ‘Users’ as shown in the mockup below. Turning OFF the slider will grant access to all the members of the Project. However, the set of Users/Trades/Permission Groups and/or Companies who had been allowed access is remembered, and when again turned ON those groups are automatically granted permission.
13. On mouse hover, the tool tip shows the list of all the users/Trades/Permission Groups/Companies that have been allowed access to the level.
Project Entrances & Gateways
When ‘BLE-RTLS’ is enabled on the Project, a new node will be displayed in the Project Locations. It has the ability to show the different entrances and gateways both on the map and on the drawings configured for different node levels for the project.
This will help us locate the mapped entrances and gateways by hovering over them
1. User opens the 'Project Locations' page by clicking Project Name > Project Settings > Locations
2. He is displayed a new node named 'Gates & Entrances' just below the Project Location hierarchy.
3. User highlights the node by clicking it.
4. User is displayed a grid in the right pane with the following:
a. Toolbar: Toolbar with ‘Delete’, ‘Insert row’, ‘Print icons’.
b. Gate / Entrance Name: User can enter a name for the Gate/Entrance name being configured.
c. Gate / Entrance ID: This can be manually entered by clicking in the field or by scanning the code.
d. Battery: Displays the battery between 0-100% along with the color coded icon. (color coding is
same as in the Anchor Manager)
e. Last Seen: displays the date and time the entrance BLE last shared the signal with the system.
f. Type: Can either be Gateway or Elevator (defaults to Gateway). Choosing a Gate as an Elevator from the Type dropdown, will allow the Gateway to be designated as an elevator to track # of trips, # of usage times, # of people, which trade on what floor, and wait time.
g. Indoor/Outdoor: Users can set whether the gateway is configured as Indoor or Outdoor.
h: Mapping icon: Displayed if set to outdoor.
5. User adds as many rows as required and then adds the names of gates to be configured.
6. He then scans the respective Entrances / Gates.
7. He selected 'outdoor' for a gate. a ‘Mapping’ icon for that gate is displayed next to the ‘Type’ column.
8. User clicks on the icon, he is navigated to the ‘Maps view’ and is asked to mark the entrance inside the Project Location defined for the Project.
9. User drops a point and an outdoor entrance icon is shown on the map. On hover, the name of the gate is shown on the Map.
10. User is navigated back to the grid view once he successfully drops the icon.
Users will be able to add Metadata fields to Entrance & gateways, clicking on the Metadata toolbar will open the standard 'add new' window allowing to add one or more MD fields.
MD added will show up as columns in the Grid.
For Type = Gateway, MD cannot be associated. Hence all the cells for Gateway will display as N/A. See Image below that the User can add MD to type = Elevator.
When Type = Elevator, The Indoor/Outdoor column will default to Indoor and is read only, which means
that the Elevator type will always be Indoor and cannot be set to Outdoor.
Users can associate MD Type = Elevator.
Since MD cannot be added to Type = Gateway, the cells will show as NA and on hover will display the tooltip as 'Cannot add Metadata’.
Gateway Indoor on Sketch
If a Gateway / Entrance is marked as Indoor then, based on its location it automatically starts beaconing on the respective file when open in sketch. Also, the ‘Beacon Manager’ can show the gateway explicitly as shown in the mockup.
Updates to Gateways & Entrances
1.The 'Gate/Entrance Name' column name has been updated to 'Name'.
2. A new column has been introduced 'Gateway' which is a toggle and in ON by default
3. 'Gate/Entrance ID' column has been renamed to 'ID'.
Changes to the Column Names
1.When the ‘Gateway’ toggle is set to OFF, the 'ID' column becomes ‘Disabled’, as shown below. ID can be
entered only when 'Gateway' is ON.
When a Gateway is Turned OFF, If the ID column has any values, then the value is still preserved and the field will get disabled.
New Type option 'Entrance'
In the Metadata 'Type' dropdown, there is a new option called 'Entrance'. Currently the options under Type
a. Gateway
b. Elevator
c. Entrance (New)
Associate Metadata to Gateway
1. User clicks on the Add Metadata toolbar option from the Grid
2. A NEW 'Type' dropdown has been added to the 'Manage Metadata',
3. User can associate each Metadata fields to one of the Types (Gateway/Entrance/Elevator)
4. In the 'Type' Dropdown, Admin clicks to select the 'Gateway' option for the 'Days' Field.
5. In the 'Type' Dropdown, Admin clicks to select the 'Elevator' option for the 'Lobby' metadata field.
6. In the 'Type' Dropdown, Admin clicks to select the 'Entrance' option for the 'Main Entrance' metadata
7. In the ‘List View’, the metadata fields added show up as individual columns in the grid.
8. Since ‘Days’ has been associated to the Type = 'Gateway', ONLY Days can be edited and the 'Main
Entrance' and 'Lobby' metadata fields cannot be edited as shown as N/A.
9. Since Lobby has been associated to the Type = 'Elevator', ONLY 'Lobby' can be edited and the 'Main
Entrance' and 'days' metadata fields cannot be edited as shown in N/A.
10. Since 'Main Entrance' has been associated to the Type = 'Entrance', ONLY 'Main Entrance' can be edited and the 'Lobby' and 'Days' metadata fields cannot be edited as shown in N/A.
NEW Type option 'Floor'
In the Metadata 'Type' Dropdown, there is a new option called 'Floor'. Currently the options under Type are:
a. Gateway
b. Elevator
c. Entrance
d. Floor (New)
Associate Metadata to Floor
1. User clicks on the ‘Add’ metadata toolbar option from the Grid.
2. A NEW 'Type' dropdown has been added to the 'Manage Metadata',
3. User can associate each metadata fields to one of the Types (Gateway/Entrance/Elevator/Floor)
4. In the 'Type' Dropdown, Admin clicks to select the 'Floor' option for the 'Days' Field.
NOTE: The rules to adding metadata are the same as for Existing Types.