Safety Bulletin is a feature available in the Safety settings of the project allowing the Safety Manager to configure the Safety Bulletins and send messages to the entire Project Team at once or can be sent to the specific users as set. Once the safety manager configures the settings the end users will be able to see the safety Notifications as an Desktop email/ Mobile email/ Push notification.


SOS Notification Configuration 

The SOS & Bulletin Notifications can be sent in a Project can only be configured by a Safety Manager.

Note: The Menu options are disabled for General Users.


To select SOS & Bulletin Notification, can be accessed from Project Settings > Safety Settings > SOS & Bulletin Notification.

Upon clicking on the safety bulletin a popup with following information is shown 

  1. Title - Recipients of the bulletin
  2. Help Button - Redirects to 'SOS & Bulletin Help Documentation
  3. X -  Close Window
  4. Toggle button (Defaults to OFF) - This toggle button is enabled only if  RTLS is Enabled on the Jobsite, When Turned on, notifications get sent to Everyone present on the job site at the time of the event.
    Note: IF RTLS Is Not Enabled, the Toggle option is disabled (hidden) allowing the user to only see ROLE or Distribution List options.

  5. Role - Safety Manager can select one or many Roles to send SOS & Bulletin Events.  


Configuring Safety Bulletin List Values in List Manager 

"Safety Bulletin" option is available by Default in List Manager, with the below Predefined Values which the User can Edit if required.

a. Bad Weather

b. Evacuation

c. Flooding

d. Gas Leak

Creating a Safety Bulletin

Safety bulletin feature allows the Safety Manager to create Safety Bulletins and send these bulletins to selected users.

Safety Bulletin can be accessed from Project Settings > SAFETY Settings > 'Safety Bulletin'.

The Safety Bulletin Window contains the following information:

a. Title: Safety Bulletin

b. Safety Bulletin Help Button

c. Expand

d. Close (X)

e. Toolbar:

a. Add

b. Edit

c. Deactivate/Activate

d. Delete

e. Search Bar

Safety Manager clicks on the + (Add) Button to Add a New Safety Bulletin.

Name field allows the Safety Manager the safety bulletin Name, Type and Safety Alert message.

Note: The Type Field is populated by the Safety Bulletin List from the List Manager in Project Settings.

The 'Auto notify based on weather service' Checkbox will be available only when 'Bad Weather' is selected as Type. When the Checkbox is Enabled, an API will send Weather Safety Alerts to the Notification Group Configured.

Note: This checkbox is hidden for all other selections.

With a Safety Bulletin Added, Safety Manager clicks the '+' to Add an Additional Safety Bulletin.

Safety Manager adds a Name and selects a Type. When Type is Selected other than Bad weather, the 'Auto notify based on weather service' Checkbox is  Disabled. Safety Manager adds a Description and clicks the 'Save' button to save the Safety Bulletin.

Sending a Safety Bulletin 

Once the Safety Bulletin is created, Safety Manager can now send out a Safety Bulletin by clicking the 'Send

Alert' Button to the right of a Safety Bulletin.

Clicking 'Send Alert' Button will show a Confirmation Pop-up with a Yes & No options . To Send the Safety Bulletin Safety Manager has to click on 'Yes'.

After the Safety Bulletin Sent, End Users will see the following Notifications:

  • MOBILE EMAIL                     

Creating a Safety Bulletin - Mobile

Path -  Project Settings > SAFETY Settings  >'Safety Bulletin'. The Safety Bulletin option lets Safety Managers create Safety Bulletins to send out to selected users.

User clicks the 'Safety Bulletin' option to create a NEW Safety Bulletin.

Click on the + (Add) Button to Add a New Safety Bulletin.

Safety Manager Adds Safety Bulletin Information and clicks the 'Save' button to save the Safety Bulletin.

Sending a Safety Bulletin - Mobile

With Safety Bulletins Created, Safety Manager can click the 'Send Alert' Button to the right of a Safety Bulletin to Send that Bulletin.

Click on 'Send Alert' button to the right of a created Safety Bulletin.

Click on the 'Send Alert' Button to see the Confirmation Pop-up. Click 'Yes'  to Send the Safety Bulletin.

To Edit, Delete or Deactivate a Safety Bulletin, click on the Triple Dot and select one of the options.

Safety Alert Smart Items in 'Safety Alert Log' 

When a Safety Alert gets sent out by one of the Project Members, a new Smart Item gets created in the 'Safety Alert Log' App for that Alert.

Safety Bulletin - Daily Reports

In Daily Reports, the 'Safety Bulletin' displays the following information for each Safety Bulletin Alert for that day.

a. Name: Name of Bulletin

b. Type: Type of Bulletin

c. Safety Alert: Alert Text <Tornado Warning for Rhode Island until 9:00 PM>

d. Time Sent: MM/DD/YYYY HH/MM AM/PM

e. ID: Links to the Smart Item created in the 'Safety Alert Log' App