Allow Anonymous Create and List allows the anonymous users to either create a new item or view the created item for an App without login to the App.
Configuring Anonymous create
- This feature allows the configuration on anonymous creation of a New item by using the anonymous settings in App studio.
- The anonymous create is a toggle ON and OFF button by Enabling this feature any user using the Barcode generated with a Flyer, Can create a new item in the list irrespective of the access.
- A unique URL is created for this App, when the "Allow Anonymous Create" is turned ON and role is selected, this link can be shared with any user as shown below. ROLE is selected to ensure how the form has to be provided to the Users. In the below example, Role = 'Architect' was selected, this would imply that the Anonymous form loads with fields that was as seen by an 'Architect'.
- All the options are Disabled when the "Allow Anonymous Create" is turned OFF.
Configuring Anonymous LIST
- When the Anonymous list view is enabled it lets the Anonymous user to view the App list Items.
- App view should be picked form the dropdown menu allowing the user to only see Items that are part of the View chosen. A unique URL is created when the "Allow Anonymous List" is turned ON and view is selected, this link can be shared with any users.
- All the options are Disabled when the "Allow Anonymous List" is turned OFF.
Print the QR code for Anonymous create and Anonymous List
- Once the "Allow Anonymous create" and "Allow Anonymous list" are enabled the QR code can be printed by using the print option below the QR code as shown below.
- The print option can also be accessed from the consumption in the app grid hamburger icon as shown below.
Note: The Print Flyer option is shown only when 'Anonymous Create' or 'Anonymous List' are turned on.
- Once the QR code is printed it can be used at the jobsite for the User to scan the Barcode to Create an Item or View the Item based on the configuration. Example of the Print Flyer for "Allow Anonymous Create"
Note: Messaging in the flyer changes based on the configuration.
- Example of the Print Flyer for "Allow Anonymous List"
- When both "Allow Anonymous create" and "Allow Anonymous list" are enabled then both the QR codes can be printed which is listed side by side.
Scanning the QR code for Anonymous create and Anonymous List
- When the Anonymous user scans the QR code for 'Anonymous Create' the create new item, Open in a new browser and not in the Mobile App. The screens once the QR is scanned are as shown below.
- Create a new item, Open the new Item form and the corresponding fields for the ROLE that was selected during the configuration.
- When the form is loaded, If the App has Sub Item configured, Show both Main Item (Details) and Sub Item tab in Item Properties page. Attachments and Links are NOT supported/available for Anonymous Create.
- Only 'Save' fab option will be available, regardless of what the 'Save/Save Copy...' was set up for the App.
- When the Anonymous user scans the QR code for 'Anonymous List' configuration, Load Item List for the view that was selected during the configuration. Any form EDIT/ADD from the URL is not allowed. This will be a view only list. List view will display a print option on the right corner as shown on the image below that allows the Item list to be printed.
- On double tap of an Item, Show Item properties in Read Only with Main Item and Sub Item tabs available, Attachments & Links will be hidden.