The Multi Signature feature allows Users to capture multiple signatures based on RTLS, Barcode scan or manual picking of project members along with the filter by company and then getting the signatures. Based on configuration, it can show all Project Members or Only the Company Members of the logged-in User. Also, multiple user badges can be scanned and users appended to the Signature Metadata field.

Filter by company Set to NO

  • The User can double click on the Signature MD field, it will open the Metadata Properties page for Signature field. 

  • The "Filter by company" configuration is available with "Yes" and "No" options.

    Note: This  will be set to 'No' by default.

  • When user clicks on the 'Add Signature' button in the Signature Metadata field, It opens the 'Team Members' popup. When user clicks on the 'Select Team Members' field, The dropdown displays all the Project Team members.
  • User can search for a member using the 'Search' field in the dropdown. User can select or unselect all users using the buttons provided in the right side of the dropdown.
  • User selects one or more members by clicking on the row. He then clicks on 'DONE' button which will add these users to the grid.



Filter by company Set to YES

  • When the option is set to 'Yes', an additional option, 'Auto select all Company Members' is displayed.

            Note: This checkbox  will be unchecked by default.

  • User saves this configuration and activates the App. When user clicks the 'Add Signature'  button, in Signature Metadata field, It opens the 'Team Members' popup.
  • When user clicks on the 'Select Team Members' field, The dropdown displays all the 'Company members' of the logged-in user. 
  • The "Filter by company" is set to "Yes" the feature will show the Company Members as a dropdown list with the Signature MD control.
  • Users can search for a user using the Search field in the dropdown and also select or unselect all users using the buttons provided in the right side of the dropdown.
  • Select one or more members by clicking on the row, then click on 'DONE' button which will add these users to the grid.

Device screen: 

 The functionality/feature remains same as that of the desktop version. 




Auto-select Company Members is checked

  • When Filter by Company' option is set to 'Yes', and 'Auto select all Company Members' is checked. User saves this configuration and activates the App.
  • When user clicks the 'Add Signature'  button, in Signature Metadata field, It opens the 'Team Members' popup.
  • When user clicks on the 'Select Team Members' field, The dropdown displays all the 'Company members' of the logged-in user and all the members are auto-selected,
  • Unselecting a few members from the dropdown by clicking on the members name can be done by select or unselect all members using the buttons provided in the right side of the dropdown.
  • Users can also search for a members using the Search field in the dropdown, clicking on 'DONE' button which will add these users to the grid.

Device screens: 

The functionality/feature remains same as that of the desktop version. 

Sort by Signature

  • If the Signature grid has multiple users added to it, and if few of the members have signed and few have not, sorting on the Signature column will help the view. 
  • Clicking on the sorting icon once, will sort all the unsigned names to the top as shown below. Clicking 2nd time will sort all the signed users at the top. Clicking for the 3rd time will set the sort in its original state.
  • If Members have signed in random order. User clicks on the 'Sort' icon once. All the unsigned members are shown on the top.
  • Click on the name of the top member. 'Team Members' popup opens up with the first member name from the new sorted list. The respective member does the signature and clicks on the right arrow to move to the next member.
  • Clicking on the ">" button will navigate through all the users from the newly sorted list. Once user clicks on the 'DONE' button, the Signature MD grid is updated with signatures as shown below.

            Note: The same behavior is true on the Signature MD field on desktop and on mobile device.





Scan QR code

  • Currently, when a Badge(QR Code) is scanned, the scanner popup automatically closes. If multiple people have to add their signatures, then clicking on the scan QR code button scanner popup stays opens till the user closes it.
  • Users click on the 'Add Signature' button and then on the 'Scan' button. The Barcode Scanner' popup opens user then scans the badge of one user with a note displayed to the user at the bottom of the screen.
  • The scanned user is added to the 'Select Team Member' field in the background.  The 'Barcode Scanner' popup remains open after scanning the first member.
  • The user then starts scanning multiple member badges. All the members are appended to the list and the scanned user count is incremented accordingly. 
  • The 'Team Members' popup will now display the details of the 1st member scanned. User clicks on the ">" button and the next scanned user details will display. This member will sign and click on the ">".
  • Clicking on the "DONE" button,  will be add/append all the members to the grid.









Save and Copy on Smart Item

  • User opens a smart Item of a Smartapp that has the Signature MD field multi-signature option configured.
  • User clicks on the Save button is displayed both the 'Save' and the  'Save and Copy' options. Selecting the 'Save and Copy' option a new smart Item opens and all the data from the previous item gets copied to the new item being created.
  • For the Signature MD field, ONLY the users who were added to the signature MD field in the previous item should be copied. But, their 'Signatures' and 'Date & Time' will not be copied and are blank.



Device screens: 




Phone screens




To support selection of other Company Team Members

  • For Signature MD field, the filter option improves the user selection process.
  • When the 'Filter By Company' is set to 'Yes' during the Signature Metadata configuration in  Smart App, then in the 'Team Members' page, the filter 'My Company' is automatically applied and only members from the logged in user's company is listed in the 'Select Team Members' field as shown.

Filter By Company configuration


When Filter by Company is set to No:

  • When 'Filter by Company' is set to 'No' in configuration, it will continue to show the all the Project Members flat list. User can still click on the filter icon and apply any of the filters. The filter icon is displayed in gray color as shown below.

 Filter and Select Other Company members

  • Other Company members can be filtered using the additional filter option provided.
  • Clicking on the filter icon and hovers over 'Other Companies' lists all the companies. Actor  selects one or more companies and clicks outside.
  • Users clicking on the 'Select Team Members' field lists all the members from the selected companies. They are grouped by companies and listed alphabetically (Companies and users under companies).

Note: Clicking 'Clear' will clear selection and show flat list of members (depending on the configuration, my company users or all team members are listed).


Filter  By Trade

  • Users can be filtered using the additional filter option provided.

  • Click on the filter icon and hovers over 'Trades' will list all the Trades defined for the Project. Actor  selects one or more trades and clicks outside.
  • Clicking on the 'Select Team Members' field, lists all the members from the selected trade(s). They are grouped by trades and listed alphabetically (Trades and users under Trades).

Note: Clicking 'Clear' will clear selection and show flat list of members (depending on the configuration, my company users or all team members are listed).

Phone screens