The Project can be secured using the Live Attendant SmartGate Safety Settings by setting up a SmartGate to allow Access In & Out. This setting will restrict the Entry and Exit to/from the Project Site by setting up a Live Attendant to monitor the SmartGate.

SmartGate Settings: 

  • 'Safety Settings' will have a new menu option 'SmartGate Settings' that allows SmartGate configuration at the Project level. New menu option will be listed under Safety Settings > SmartGate Settings.

Gate Settings - Chose an Attendant Guard:

  • SmartGate configuration will have the below settings/Sections to be configured.
  •     Choose a User/Role for Live Attendant
  •     Pick Smart Gate access Criteria
  •     Chose a default Language
  • From SmartGate Settings, One or many Users/Roles can be added as 'Attendant Guard'. User/Roles can be added by typing in the text inline and will start to show the Users/Roles part of the Project, On selecting they get added to the list.

Note: The User icon can also be used to pick User/Role, Tapping on the User icon opens the User picker form that will have 2 tabs, Users and Roles.

SmartGate Settings - SmartGate Access Criteria

  • Access criteria lets you define different ACCESS checks that can be performed when User is at the Gate, One more access check can be turned ON, for the ones that are ON would mean those validations are enabled for the Project 
  • Different Access Criteria that can be Set are:
  • Valid Badge - Enables Badge scanning for the SmartGate
  • Matching RTLS BLE Tag - If the user is valid AND the site is RTLS enabled, then we will have to do a 2 factor authentication, the BLE tag user would be carrying with him will be validated as well that is mapped to the User in Project team, If the Badge Scan and the BLE tag authentication is successful then SmartGate lets you proceed further. If 'Matching RTLS BLE Tag' is OFF then the BLE tag validation will be skipped.
  • Facial Verification 
  • Temperature Check - SmartGate has the ability to perform a 'Temperature scan' of the user who is at the SmartGate, A default temperature can be set at the Project level, When the temperature scan is over the threshold set, then the User will be denied access. Flow would be, User is at the SmartGate and the system does the temperature check and if the temperature is above the threshold set, then skip all the steps and show the Access denied screen. 
  • Safety Helmet ON - Check if the User has Safety Helmet ON, If not skip all the steps and show the Access denied screen.
  • Safety Vest ON - Check if the User has Safety Vest ON, If not skip all the steps and show the Access denied screen.
  • Safety Mask ON - Check if the User has Safety Mask ON, If not skip all the steps and show the Access denied screen.
  • Correct Answers - 'Correct Answer' can be configured for 'Worker In' questions, When initial scan is successful, 'Worker In' questions are displayed, If this setting on OFF, do not validate for the correct answers.
  • Any configuration that is turned ON in the settings and is failed in the validation, the user is navigated to the 'Access Denied screen' and shown the information below (includes cases of validation passed and couldn't validate)   
  • A Red X for the ones that did not pass validation
  • A Green tick for the ones that was successfully validated and 
  • A Grey for the ones that could not be validated 
  • All of the options will be OFF by default.


SmartGate Settings - Temperature Scan: 

  • SmartGate Settings also has an option to Enable the Temperature check.

  • When 'Temperature Check' is turned ON, Set the default temperature that acts as a Threshold for the User to deny access. This is just a free form text field without any restrictions, assumption here is that the value is set right by the User who is configuring. 

  • SmartGate has the ability to perform a 'Temperature scan' of the user who is at the SmartGate, A default temperature can be set at the Project level, When the temperature scan is over the threshold set, then the users access is denied.
  • The Flow of the check would be, user is at the SmartGate and the system does the temperature check and if the temperature is above the threshold set, then skip all the steps and show the Access denied screen which also shows the actual temperature of the User scanned at the SmartGate.
  • Access Denied screen is shown for a few seconds and the user is navigated back to Smart Gate Home screen: Red X indicates a failed validation state, Green tick would indicate a successful validation and Grey tick indicates that the validation has not happened.

SmartGate Settings - Attendant Guard

  • Home screen & the SmartGate User scan screen PLUS the Access denied screen, will have a 'Need help? Contact Attendant' button.

  • Clicking on ' Contact Attendant' button will do a LIVELINK call to the Attendant Guard configured in 'Safety Settings → SmartGate Settings', LiveLink will happen from the SmartGate device to to all the users configured as Attendant Guard.

  • If a LiveLink connection cannot be established, then the below screen is shown to the User at the SmartGate and after a few seconds the devices will load the default SmartGate screen.

  • Once a Livelink connection is established, Because the Livelink call was initiated from the SmartGate, all of the 'Attendant Guards' will get 2 extra buttons.
  • Approve Access 
  • Reject Access

  • Access Given to: Clicking on 'Approve Access' will allow the guard attendant to select the User who is approving the access to, this is a list of all the Users from Project Team. Type in the name to see Clicking on Reject Access will end the live link and display the below screen, but he fields has to say 'Access Denied to', Select Reason, Reason for Denial'. On clicking Done, Show the 'Access Denied' screen with relevant RED X to the ones Attendant Guard chose while access was denied.

  • One or more access criteria can be selected for approving access to the User, the access criteria listed here are the ones that has been turned on at the Project Menu > Safety Settings > SmartGate Settings. A brief note can be typed in to approving access in the notes field.

  • Once users click on DONE, user is redirected to Worker In questions screen with a toast 'Answer one or more questions to proceed further'. If Worker In question are not configured., Skip this step and show Access Denied or Successfully timed In. User clicks 'Next' to proceed.

  • With all the questions Answered, Worker clicks the 'Done' button.

  • When Worker clicks on 'DONE', with all the questions answered, VALIDATE ALL the questions answered by the Worker against the 'Worker In' questions in 'Team Safety Credentials' marked as 'Correct Answer'. ONLY when ALL the questions have the correct answer, then the Worker is Timed In successfully.

  • When Worker clicks on 'DONE', with all the questions answered, If at least one of the question answered in INCORRECT that does not match with the correct answer configured, then do not Time in the worker rather show the 'ACCESS DENIED' and after a few seconds SmartGate will show the Home screen where the worker will need to scan the badge again and answer the questions to get access in.

  • Access Denied screen is shown for a few seconds and the user is navigated back to SmartGate Home screen, Red X indicates a failed validation state, Green tick would indicate a successful validation, Grey tick indicates that the validation has not happened.