RTLS Gateways configured for a Project allows Notifications for Entry, Exit and Restricted Area Accessof Users in the Project Location or Jobsite.

Entrance Notifications:

When RTLS Gateways are enabled for a Project, and a User ENTERS a Jobsite through a Gateway, they will automatically receive the following Notifications shown below.

  • Push Notification


  • Email Notification

  • In App Notification - Tapping on the Blue pin will Zoom to and show the Users Beacon location on the File.

Note: We would not have the Use case of loading Map when the Blue pin has been clicked, Outdoor location in this use case will not exist.


Exit Notifications:

  • When RTLS Gateways are enabled, and a User LEAVES a Jobsite through a Gateway, they will automatically receive the following Email/Push Notification.
  • Email Notification

  • Push Notification


Restricted Area Alert

  • Restricted Access will be set under Project Locations and when User enters the restricted area, Two alerts are sent to.
  • The User who entered the Restricted area.
  • Alert to the Safety Manager.

Who Receives Restricted Access Alert - Configuration from Project Location

  • When 'Restrict Access' has been turned ON, this would imply that the specific location has been restricted to ALL Project Members. In this case any Project member trying to enter that area will receive a 'Restricted Access Alert' along with the Safety Manager.

  • Once Restrict Access has been turned ON, you can ADDITIONALLY 'Allow Access' to one or many User/Company/ Group/ Trades. This would Imply resources that are allowed access will not get the Restricted Access alert but rest of the Project Members when they enter the restricted area will receive the alert along with the Safety manager who is notified on each event.

Restricted Area Alert - As a USER:

  • When RTLS Gateways are enabled, and a User ENTERS A RESTRICTED AREA on a Jobsite with their personal Tag or BLE, they will automatically receive the following Notifications.
  • In App Notification - When a User receives a Restricted Access notification, The Blue Pin icon will be hidden, but the blue pin is available when Safety Manager gets the same alert.


  • Email Notification


  • Push Notification


  • Desktop Notification - Safety Manager will get a Desktop notification along with other alert types like Email & Push which is covered in the next section.

Restricted Area Alert - As a SAFETY MANAGER

  • When RTLS Gateways are enabled, and a User ENTERS A RESTRICTED AREA on a Jobsite, Safety Manager will receive the following Alert
  • Push Notification

  • In App Notification - Tapping on the Blue pin will Zoom to and show the Users Beacon location on the File

Note: Blue Pin & the tick buttons are available only for the alerts Safety Manager would receive, the same is hidden for the User alert as shown in the above section.

  • Email Notification

  • Desktop Notification - A Restricted access alert for a User is not needed as a Desktop Notification. However the Safety Manager will get a Desktop notification as shown below. Tapping on the Blue pin will Zoom to and show the Users Beacon location on the File.