SOS Notification Configuration

The SOS Settings Feature alerts everyone or selected list of Workers at the Jobsite.

The 'SOS & Bulletin Notifications - Safety Manager can configure alerts to a particular list of Workers or everyone in the Project. The menu option is disabled for General Users.

1. Path: Project Name >  Safety Settings > SOS & Bulletin Notification.

2. The 'SOS & Bulletin Notifications' screen shows:

a. Title -  'Who should receive alerts for SOS & Bulletin events?

b. Help Button -  sends user to 'SOS & Bulletin help documentation

c. X -  close window

d. Toggle Text - 'Everyone present on the Job Site at the time of the event'

e. Toggle (off by default) - The option is visible only If RTLS is enabled on the Jobsite and notification gets sent to Everyone present at the job site at the time of the event. 

If RTLS Is not Enabled, the option will be hidden and the user will only have Role or Distribution List options.

f. Role selector dropdown - Safety Manager can select one or many Roles to send SOS & Bulletin events.

3. The toggle will be ON by ‘Default’. Turning it ON would imply that All the Users at the Jobsite with RTLS data available will receive the SOS and/or Safety Bulletin Alert. 

5.User can select one or more Roles from the Distribution List Dropdown.  

Send SOS through Phone

Users can select the ‘Send SOS’ option through mobile from ‘User Settings’ OR press and hold Smartapp to view the ‘App Menu’ options. All the users configured in Safety Settings will receive the SOS notifications.

1. User clicks the 'Send SOS' option to send an SOS Notification.

2. 'Send SOS' window appears which shows the following fields:

a. Text: 'Send SOS'

b. X: Close window

c. SOS Icon

d. Text: 'Would you like to send an SOS message now?'

e. Cancel (X): Close SOS Popup when clicked.

f. Send (Check): Send SOS Notification when clicked.

3. User clicks the ‘Orange checkbox’ to send an SOS Notification.

4. The toast message appears after clicking send as  'SOS Message Sent Successfully',ge

Receive SOS over Phone

The configured list of Users will receive one of the following SOS Notifications:

1. IN APP SOS NOTIFICATION -  User gets the notification with two  action button options which are  'Location Pin' and  'Tick'. 

When tapped on ‘Location Pin’ it loads Sketch which displays the User location  on the Sketch File.

2. IN APP PUSH NOTIFICATION PUSH SOS NOTIFICATION - This notification will navigate the User into the Project and load the Sketch File displaying the User location.


SOS Email Notification

Below is the ‘SOS’ email notification sent to the User. 

Send SOS Via Smartwatch

To Send SOS, press the 'Send SOS' icon on the watch Face. This will send an SOS to all the users that have been configured to receive SOS notifications in Safety settings.

1. User clicks on the 'SOS' Icon to send an 'SOS'.

2. User will see a popup window  with the following information:

a. SOS Icon

b. Text: 'Would you like to send an SOS message now?'

c. Cancel (X): Close SOS Popup when tapped.

d. Send (Check): Send SOS Notification when tapped.

 3. User taps on the send button to send an SOS.

4. User receives a toast message stating  'SOS Message Sent'. 

Receive SOS Via Smartwatch

The User selects the SOS notification on Smartwatch as shown below.

SOS Smart Items in 'Safety Alert Log'

Whenever an SOS Notification is sent by Project Members, a new ‘Smart Item’ gets created in the 'Safety Alert Log' App. 

SOS in Daily Reports

In Daily Reports,  'SOS' displayed separately with the following information for each SOS Notification sent for the day:

a. User: Name of User

b. Company: Company of User

c. Last Seen: MM/DD/YYYY HH/MM AM/PM

d. Location: Location Name

e. ID: Links to the Smart Item created in the 'Safety Alert Log' App.

SOS in Daily Report in Tablet and Phone