To add a New Calendar go in to Project Settings. Select the Calendar option under the PLANNER™ Settings Menu.
- In the Calendars Settings, click on the + Add Calendar button.
In the Calendars Screen, Specify the Calendar Name and start building a list of Non-Working Days, either by Selecting a Date from the Calendar picker, or by double Tapping on a Row in the Grid on the right side.
Double Tapping on a Date in the Calendar will add a New Row to the Right, allowing you to specify the non working day.
Once the Non Working Day list has been build, you have the option to select the 'Set as Default Calendar' option to Specify that this Calendar is Default.
Click Save to create your new Calendar.
The Calendar show as an option in the Following Areas:
The Calendar can be managed by using the Edit/Delete or the Activate/Deactivate buttons from each Calendar tile.