Your Procore Connector Settings allows you to control what data and direction you want to sync between Smartapp & Procore and what direction (bi-directional or one direction) you prefer for that project.


  • The Connector must be installed and the project must be linked first. Please refer to installing Procore connectors for more info.

Steps to setting up your Procore Connector main sync settings:

  1. Select the Procore Settings menu option under your Project Settings.
  2. Turn on the data sources you would like to sync.
    • Locations
    • Companies
    • Users
    • Roles
    • Schedule View
    • Budget
    • Budget transactions
  3. Set the direction of the sync for each data source. 

Please note under PLANNER and SAFETY  settings  menu there are additional related Procore sync settings options you can set to refine specific preferences for items related to those edition. features. ie, frequency of schedule view updates, safety document to folder settings,etc..