Mapping Projects and Checkout Flow
- The Manage subscription will show all the SAP projects as a list on the on the Left side as shown. SAP on Smartapp will only be available in the PRO edition.
- The Add on's that will be supported are Planner Board, Safety Badge and Access Control. Select a SAP Project, post selecting the project in Smartsite. Enable the HW options during the selection as shown below.
Creating a New Project or Link to an Existing Project
- The Smartapp Project has two options New Project and Link to Existing Project.
New Project:
- Selecting New Project will create a new Project on the Smartapp side based on the Smartapp edition and HW chosen. This selection would imply that a New Project under SmartApp is created in the same name as the SAP Project selected along with Planner/Safety/Access Control HW options chosen.
Link to Existing Project:
- The Link to Existing project option in the onboarding Flow will give you an option to pick an existing Project and map to the SAP project. When 'Link to Existing' option is selected in the Smartapp edition the HW options will be Disabled as existing Project is linked to SAP, it will retain the Plan type and the HW settings are as is with no new selection needed.
- Selecting 'Link to Existing' and clicking on the drop down for the first time, will need to 'Authenticate Smartapp credentials'.
- Clicking on 'Yes' will ask the User to login.
- Clicking on Login will Authenticate the credentials provided and will navigate you back to the 'Subscription' page with a confirmation message.
- Once authentication is successful, tapping on Link to Existing will display the Project list from Smartapp.
- Clicking on the dropdown will display a list of Smartapp PRO Projects created . For ADMIN role in the ORG shows all the Projects that has been shared. Clicking on 'None' in the project selection dropdown will reset the option to 'New Project'.
- Selecting a Project from Smartapp list will display the Project name and the plan type as shown below.
Note: You can make a selection that has a combination of 'New Project' and 'Link to Existing Project'. Projects that are selected as 'Link to Existing Project' will skip the Payment flow, these projects are listed in the checkout but the $ amount will show as $0.0