In Sketch™ using the Smartapp Collaboration Tools, users have the ability to collaborate in Real Time via LiveLink by sharing their Desktop screen or via LiveChat by Chatting, giving them the ability to Edit the same Sketch™ document in Real Time.
Multi Party LiveLink Editing
- When you are editing an Item in Sketch™, if other people are Editing the same item, you have the option to click on the other user's Presence Icon and start a LiveLink Session. You also have the option to click on the LiveLink button directly and start a LiveLink that way as well.
- With LiveLink open, in the LiveLink Widget Panel, select the users you want to LiveLink with and click Start LiveLink.
- With a LiveLink Session in progress, if you want to share your screen, click on the Share Screen Button. If you want to view an Attendee's Screen, click on the Screen Button on that Attendee's Tile. Attendees will automatically be sorted by users Sharing/Not Sharing their screens.
- When you view another Attendee's screen, you will see their entire screen. The screen below shows a user on a mobile device sharing their Screen. You have the option to take a screenshot of the screen.
- The screen below shows a user on a Mobile Device viewing another Attendee's Desktop Screen. You have the option to take a screenshot of the screen.
Multi Party LiveChat Editing
- When you are editing an Item in Sketch™, if other people are Editing the same item, you have the option to click on the other user's Presence Icon and start a LiveChat Session. This will allow you to Chat directly with the other user while you are both editing a Sketch™ item.
- This screen shows a Mobile user LiveChatting with a Sketch™ item open.
Multi Party Comments
- When you are editing an Item in Sketch™, you have the option to leave a General Comment on that item. Simply Click on the Comment Icon in the top Toolbar. In the Comment Widget, Add your Comment. To reply to a comment, simply click the Reply button and leave your reply.
- This screen shows a Mobile user Commenting on a Sketch™ item open.