Place Tag in BIM with Pinned Field - Add Tag

  • User selects a BIM file in the Drive and opens it in the viewer.
  • A new menu has been added to the viewer which is 'Planner' and It has 3 options:
  • Add Tag - Allows to create a new tag on the 'default board' set on the project.
  • Open Schedule - opens the default schedule in a different browser tab.
  • Tag Summary Report - generates the tag summary report for the default set board. 
  • User clicks on the 'Add Tag' to open the Add Tag page.

  • A toast message is displayed as ‘select the location or tap to place anywhere’.

  • User places the tag and a 'Gray' icon is shown on the file. The 'Add Tag' page opens on top of the file as a popup.

  • User fills in all other information along with Location details for the creation of a tag. The 'Pinned' field is shown on the tag and a snapshot of the area where the tag was placed is shown.   The pinned field also shows the name of the BIM file as a hyperlink.

Note: On a BIM File, whenever we click on a location or a place, the clicked object is highlighted. On the Pinned Field, the Filename is appended with the BIM Object ID.

  • User clicks on the 'Add' button and the tag is created successfully. The icon takes the color of the company once the tag is successfully created.


  • Clicking on the tag will show the zoomed version of the thumbnail of the tag with all the details. When a user opens a BIM file and double clicks on a tag which is not dispatched will open the Tag details page. If dispatched, will open the Smart Item Properties page.

  • Quick view appears when clicked on 'Pinned thumbnail’ and when double clicked will open the BIM file and zoom to the location and highlight the BIM Object on file. Clicking on 'Viewer' icon will open the BIM file and zoom to the location/ BIM Object ID as shown below.

Note: If the BIM file has the locations predefined and the same has been used to extract the Project Locations for the Project, then, when User selects  'Add Tag' , the location gets auto filled based on the place where the user clicked on the file. Users can change the location if required.

  • Tag icon is shown till the tag is dispatched. Once dispatched, it will show the Smartapp icon. 
  • If Spatial Settings has been configured for the SmartApp for different stages of the Workflow, symbols have been configured  then, based on the stage of the item, the relevant symbol is shown for the Tag / Smart Item (post dispatch). 

Tablet screens: