You can now, in one easy step, upload and route your drawings for reviews, approvals & digital stamping! You can quickly set up route participants and their order, to ensure that while the drawings are in the review process they are hidden from other project users until they are approved, making sure that everyone on the jobsite is always working from the latest approved version of any file. Better yet, you can easily see the status of your from both DRIVE and inside Smartapp SKETCH™!


  1. Start in Drive Mode

  2. Select the Folder to upload the file to

  3. Click the green button in the bottom right corner to upload a single file OR multiple files

  4. Click NEXT

  5. Choose 1 of 2 options: UPLOAD or UPLOAD & ROUTE FOR APPROVALS

If you select UPLOAD & ROUTE FOR APPROVALS, it will bring up the Route Package window, to enter the routing information for the file.


  1. Choose the Route category - this will display all the “Stamp Sets” that have been created in the FIELD Settings, in the “File/Drawing Route Settings” section

    1. Based on the Route category, the outcomes set for that specific category will be shown - by default, the outcome option is set to “None”

    2. Leave this on "None" or select a Preferred Outcome

    3. If the “Set Preferred Outcome" is Pointing to "None,” then while Stamping the File, you can still choose an outcome - but the Route Package will not autocomplete until all the workers finish the Stamp

  2. Next, select the routing destination by clicking the checkbox next to the workers’ names (this file will only be visible to the workers that are a part of the route)

  3. Now, decide whether or not to allow Routing in any order 

    1. Selecting this option would mean that when the Route is configured, the workers added to the Route can approve in any order

    2. If “Each Person has to wait for the other person to Route” is selected, when setting up the route package, the order has to be sequenced by dragging and rearranging the workers in the preferred order

    3. Once the order is set, the Route has to be completed in the same order that was configured during the creation

  4. Enter the reason for the Route (this will be displayed during the process of stamping a file)

  5. Now set the Route due date, the Route expiration date, and the Preferred route outcome

  6. Once the Route expiration date is complete, the Route Package for the file will automatically be canceled

  7. When “Route with current markups” is turned ON the system will route not just the file, but also the markups that are also part of the current version

In addition, set up route notifications to send emails to each worker where the Files/Drawings have been routed to.

  1. Select the time frame during the route in which you want to send out notifications - you can set multiple notification reminders

For example, send out one notification 2 weeks before the route expires, 1 hour after the start of the route, and 1 day after the due date.