Scan Barcode from User Badge will allow the display of Worker Details.
- Once Barcode is scanned from User badge, Worker details will be retrieved which was filled during Safety Registration and will be displayed in Read-Only Mode in a SINGLE scrollable list.
- Once the barcode is scanned, we need to associate to ALOS which has the Worker details and Project Information. Which with a scan of barcode pulls in Safety Registration Information for the Project.
- The below image will be displayed when we click on the link in Worker Registration Email Notification which shows 'Worker Details' on Page Header. This UI has can display both Landscape/Portrait mode on Tablet/Phone.
- Data captured in Safety Onboarding - Step 1 will be shown under 'Basic Info'
- Worker Details
- User Image
- First Name
- Last Name
- Company Name
- Data captured in Safety Onboarding - Step 2 will be shown under second section under 'Emergency Info'
- The last 2 sections of worker details show Safety Policies and Certifications only in Read only.
- Download/Print - will print the entire data in one page.
- If either Policies or Certifications are not available for the Worker, the section with Watermark as 'No Safety Policies assigned' & 'No Certifications assigned' will be displayed.