The Contact Picker Form Field Type lets you add one or more Contact Picker Fields to your Form. Contact Picker fields let you select from Users, Organizations: Companies or Organization: Workers.  You also have the option to filter your Contact Picker Selection by All, Project Team, Smartapp or Item.

Contact Picker to Filter by Trade/Role/Skills/Certs 

  • To add a Contact Picker to a Form, simply Click and Drag the Contact Picker Item into your Form.


Contact Picker Settings

Along with the 'Existing' configuration for contact picker regardless of Users/Company/Work Team selected, The Result shown in consumption can further be refined by:

a. Trades

b. Roles

c. Skills

d. Certs

e. Company (Valid ONLY if Users is selected)


The Details Tab lets you Set the Contact Picker to Required, Allow Multi Select and Set Contact Picker to Virtual Participant.

Additionally, you can allow the following results to be selected: Users, Organization - Companies, Organization - Work Teams.

You can also filter your selections by:  All, Project Team, SmartApp or Item.

'Filter By' TRADES

1. Select TRADE: Turning ON Trade, Will show an additional field on the right side that lets you filter the result set by Trade.

2. Selecting Trades shows you two options:

    a. Filter By List

    b. Select Trades by List

3. 'Filter By List', Shows two options:

    a. Filter By List (Default)

    b. Filter by Field

4. With 'Filter By List' selected on the left side, right side shows 'Select Trades by List'

5. Clicking on 'Select Trades by List' shows the standard 'Trade' picker, the First option has to show 'All Trades'. Selecting 'All Trades' has to enable check box for all the trades in the pick list BUT just add 'All Trades' as the option into the field.

6. Trade selector has to be multi select picker

Note: Use the same Trade selection control that we currently have in 'Safety Requirement Categories' from the Project menu.

3. 'Filter By List', Shows two options:

    a. Filter By List (Default)

    b. Filter by Field

4. With 'Filter By Field' selected on the left side, right side shows 'Select Trades by Field'

5. Tapping on 'Select Trades by Field', Show ONLY Meta data fields that is of TYPE = TEXT AND 'Pick List Source = Built In Project List' AND 'List Name = Trades'. Rest of Meta data fields part of the App will NOT be shown. MRC NOTE: It also needs to list dependent fields that is also are from a source field that is TYPE = TEXT AND 'Pick List Source = Built In Project List' AND 'List Name = Trades'. Same for Skills & Certs as well outlined below.

'Filter By' ROLES

    1. Select ROLES

2. Selecting ROLES shows you two options:

    a. Filter By List

    b. Select Roles by List

3. 'Filter By List', Shows ONE option:

    a. Filter By List (Default)

    b. Filter by Field (NOT valid for a Role)

4. With 'Filter By List' selected on the left side, right side shows 'Select Roles by List'

5. Clicking on 'Select Roles by List' shows the standard 'Role' picker, Allow multi select

'Filter By' SKILLS

    1. Select SKILLS

2. Selecting SKILLS shows you two options:

    a. Filter By List

    b. Select Skills by List

3. 'Filter By List', Shows two options:

    a. Filter

    b. Filter by Field

4. With 'Filter By List' selected on the left side, right side shows 'Select Skills by List'

5. Clicking on 'Select Skills by List' shows the standard 'Skills' picker, Allow multi select

6. With 'Filter By Field' selected on the left side, right side shows 'Select Skills by Field'

7. Tapping on 'Select Skills by Field', Show ONLY Meta data fields that is of TYPE = TEXT AND 'Pick List Source = Built In Project List' AND 'List Name = Skills'.

It also needs to list dependent fields that is also are from a source field that is TYPE = TEXT AND 'Pick List Source = Built In Project List' AND 'List Name = Skills'. Rest of Meta data fields part of the App will NOT be shown.

'Filter By' CERTS

    1.Select CERTS

2. Selecting CERTS shows you two options:

    a. Filter By List

    b. Select Certs by List

3. 'Filter By List', Shows ONE options:

    a. Filter By List (Default)

    b. Filter by Field (NOT valid for a CERTS)

4. With 'Filter By List' selected on the left side, right side shows 'Select Certs by List'

5. Show all of the 'Certifications' configured for the Project as a multi select pick list.

How does the Data render in the Contact Picker based on the Filter Set

1. How does the Data render in the Contact Picker on 'Consumption' ?

Across Trades/Roles/Skills/Certs will be an OR Condition

Between Trades/Roles/Skills/Certs will be an AND condition

In our example, Based on this Config, Show me Users list that belongs to

Trade: Architectural OR Concrete


Roles: GC/CM/PM OR Safety Manager


Skills: Building Architecture OR Masonry


Certs: Fire Guard

13, Result set for the 'Users' is based on the Config and Filter By condition set in the Contact MD config, show in the sections above.

Show me Users list that belongs to

Trade: Architectural OR Concrete


Roles: GC/CM/PM OR Safety Manager


Skills: Building Architecture OR Masonry


Certs: Fire Guard

14. Below is an example of contact picker to display both Users and Companies with the new Filter BY set

15. In this example, Based on this Config,

For Users,

Show me Users list that belongs to

Trade: Architectural OR Concrete


Roles: GC/CM/PM OR Safety Manager

For Companies,

Show me Companies where the User belongs to

Trade: Architectural OR Concrete


Roles: GC/CM/PM OR Safety Manager

16. Result set for the 'Companies' is based on the Config and Filter By condition set in the Contact MD config, show in the sections above.

For Users,

Show me Users list that belongs to

Trade: Architectural OR Concrete


Roles: GC/CM/PM OR Safety Manager

17. For Companies,

Show me Companies where the 'Users' belongs to

Trade: Architectural OR Concrete


Roles: GC/CM/PM OR Safety Manager


1. Select COMPANIES: Turning ON Trade, Will show an additional field on the right side that lets you filter the result set by Trade.

Note: 'Companies' option is available ONLY when 'Users' is selected. When 'Organization: Companies' or Organization: Work

Teams' is selected - The Filter BY 'Companies' checkbox to filter By will not be available.

2. Selecting 'Companies' option will display two Fields:

a. Filter By List (default)

b. Select Companies by List (default)

3. Clicking on the 'Filter By List' field, shows four options:

a. Filter By List (Default)

b. Filter by Field

c. Logged-In User's Company

d. Document Owner's Company

4. With 'Filter By List' selected on the left side, right side shows 'Select Companies by List'

5. Clicking on 'Select Company by List' shows the standard 'Company Picker' picker which is list of all the companies from the Project, the

First option has to show 'All Companies'. Selecting 'All Companies' has to enable check box for all the companies in the pick list BUT just add

'All Companies' as the option into the field.

6. Company selector has to be multi select picker

4. With 'Filter By Field' option selected on the left side, the right side field shows 'Select Companies by Field'

5. Tapping on 'Select Companies by Field',

Show ONLY Meta data fields that is of

TYPE = TEXT AND 'Pick List Source = Built In Project List' AND 'List Name = Companies'.

AND It also needs to list dependent fields that is also are from a source field that is TYPE = TEXT AND 'Pick List Source = Built In Project

List' AND 'List Name = Companies'. Same for Skills & Certs as well outlined below

AND Show fields that is a 'Contact picker' with 'Organization: Companies'. Rest of Meta data fields part of the App will NOT be shown.

6. With ' Filter By Logged-in User's Company' option selected, in the consumption, the User picker will show users who belong to the

company of the logged-in user.

7. With 'Filter by Document Owner's Company' option selected, the User picker will list members of the company who created the document under consideration.


You can use a Calculation to populate the value of the Contact Picker.

Advanced Display 

Advanced Display lets you use display expressions to hide/disable this collection.


Use a formula to validate the Contact Picker field value or choose to Clear field if an expression doesn't match.