The Cost Form Field Type lets you add one or more Cost Fields to your Form.
Adding a Cost Field to a Form
- To add a Cost Field to a Form, simply Click and Drag the Cost Field Item into your Form.
Cost Field Settings
The Cost Field Settings panel is broken into 4 Tabs:
- Details Tab
- The Details Tab lets you Set the Cost field to Required.
- Additionally, you can set the Currency to one of the following options: US Dollar - USD, Euro - EUR, Pound - GBP, Japanese Yen - JPY, Indian Rupee - INR, Chinese Yuan - CNY.
- Calculation You can use a Calculation to populate the value of the Cost Field.
- Advanced Display Advanced Display lets you use display expressions to hide/disable this Field.
- Validation Use a formula to validate the Cost field value or choose to Clear field if an expression doesn't match.