When 'Safety Tracking' is turned ON in Project Settings > SAFETY Settings,  a 'Certifications' Folder will appear in Drive.

  • To create a Certification, get started by first creating a Certifications Sub Folder. Create a Safety Sub Folder by clicking the Green + Button in the bottom right of the screen.  Give the Sub Folder a name and click 'Create'.

  • In the Certifications Sub Folder,  Click the Green + to create a New Certification.

  • You have the option to Select from ORG, Upload Certificates or create a Test Based Certification.


Select from ORG

  • The Select from ORG option will allow the selection of Certificates from the ORG.

  • Clicking on the select from ORG will open the select certificates/ certifications allowing the selection of the certificates from the list and adding to the project by clicking on the ADD to project button.

 Uploading a Certificate  

  • When you click the 'Upload Certificates' option, you are creating a placeholder in your Certificates Folder.  The Certificate Placeholder you are creating will be available for users based on the Trade, Skills and Work Categories you select.  When Registering in Kiosks, the selected users will need to upload documents to complete this certification.


  • When Defining the Certificate,  you can select one or more Trades, Skills and Work Categories.  You can also track when a Certificate Type will expire.   Click 'Add' to Create your 'Upload Certificate'.


  • With your 'Upload Certificate' created,  the Certificate will show in your Certificates folder.



Test Based Certifications 

  • When you click the 'Test Based Certifications' option, you are creating a Test Based Certification in your Certificates Folder. With the 'Test Based Certification', you can configure a test for users to take.



  • In the 'Test Based Certifications' window,  you can upload one or more certifications.  Add a Name, Select a Trade and add Skills and Work Categories.  You also have the option to add a Renewal Date for this Certification. Click the 'Click here to configure your questions'  to configure your test questions.


  • In the Configure Questions window,  Add Question Types, configure the questions, and click 'Save'.


  • With the Test Based Certification Configured, click the 'Add' button to create the Certification.

  • With the Test Based Certification created,  the Certification will snow in the the Certifications Folder with a Badge in the left corner signifying a Test Based Certification.

How to Edit Questions for a Test Based Certification

  • You can Edit Questions for Test Based Certifications by first Selecting a Certification, then by clicking on the 'Configure Questions' button.