In the Safety Policies Tab in Drive, ‘Question Configuration’ Gear toolbar button is available for Safety Managers, Admins & Super Admins. The Question Configuration Gear Button is only active when a 'Test Based Certification' is selected to Configure. This option lets Safety Managers, Admins & Super Admins to configure Checklist style questions. The toolbar button is disabled when multiple Certifications are selected.

Configuring Question Types

  • The Safety Manager, Admin or Super Admin clicks 'Test Based Certification' to Configure Questions.
    Note: The Configure Questions Button is disabled until the Users selects a 'Test Based Certification' to add questions. The toolbar button is disabled when multiple policies are selected. Also, If an 'Upload Certificates' is selected, the toolbar button will be disabled.

  • When a 'Test Based Certification' is selected, Users  clicks on the Question Configuration button to Configure Questions.


  • The 'Configure Questions' Window is as shown below. The different Question types that are supported are on the right side of the window.

Configuring Yes/No Choice

  • Safety Manager selects a 'Yes/No' type, drags and drops the Question into the configuration window.

  • For each question part of the configuration for the 'Test Based Certification', we need to define even the right answer. For the Yes/No Metadata field, a new field will display "Select the radio button to identify the correct answer", which for the True/False field will default to True. Whatever Yes/No Value that gets defined here will be validated to identify the right/wrong answer provided by the End User.

Note: the 'Select the radio button to identify the correct answer' field is REQUIRED.

Configuring a Decimal Field

  • For each question part of the configuration for the 'Test Based Certification', we need to define even the right answer. Decimal Metadata field, a new field will display "Enter a value to identify the correct answer", For the Decimal Field, no default value will be suggested by the system. User will need to Key in the correct answer. The Value that is defined will be validated to and identified based on the answer provided by the End User. 

Configuring a Single Choice

  • User Needs to select one of the radio buttons from the available options. This selection will be used to validate the right based on the answer provided by the End User.

Configuring an Image Field

  • We need to define the right answer which will be used for validating. For the Image choice, to pick the correct answer, User needs to select one of the Radio Buttons to the right of each Image option. 

Configuring an Integer Field

  • We need to define what the right answer is. For the Integer field, a new field will display "Enter a value to identify the correct answer". For the Integer Field, no Integer value will be suggested by the system. User will need to key in the correct answer. The Value that gets defined here will be validated to identify the right/wrong answer provided by the End User.

Configuring a Multiple choice field

  • We need to define what the right answer is. For the ‘Multiple Choice’ field, to pick the correct answer. User needs to select one of the Radio Buttons to the Right of each multiple choice. This selection will be used to Validate the correct answer.

Configuring a Signature Field

  • The Signature field will not perform any Validation, it is like a Free Form Field.

Configuring a Text Field

  • We need to define what the right answer is. For the Text Field, no value will be suggested by the system. User will need to key in the correct answer. Whatever Value that gets defined here will be validated to identify the right/wrong answer provided by the End User.

Configuring Question Settings 

  • Once all questions are configured, Safety Manager will be able to configure overall Question Settings. Safety Manager, Admin or Super Admin clicks on the 'Question Settings' button to update Question Settings for the configured questions.

  • Error Message for 'Number of questions to ask'.


  • Error Message for 'Minimum answers to be correct'

Viewing 'Test Based Certification' Files in Drive

When a User with 'Manage' certification folder drive permissions double clicks on a 'Test Based Certification', that will open the Quick Viewer letting the User View Files associated with the selected 'Test Based Certification'. Tests can only be taken in the Kiosk or via the Manage Certifications URL.

  • Worker clicks on a 'Test Based Certification' in drive to view the files in Quick View.

  • If there are more than 1 file associated with the selected 'Test Based Certification', users can click through to view the additional files. Users click the 'x' button to close the selected 'Test Based Certification'.

Verification Tests from Safety Kiosk

Users have the option of completing Certification Verification Tests from a Kiosk. The certification verification screen shows immediately after the Policies screen.

  • In the Safety Kiosk, User taps the 'Next' Button after reading and acknowledging the Safety Policies.

  • User clicks on the 'Take the Test' button to take the 'Test Based Certification'.

  • User reads and answers each Question in the Test and clicks the Next Button To Proceed.

  • Once the test is completed, if they pass the test, the user will see a Congratulations! screen. User clicks Next to continue.

  • If the User passes the test, the following will Update:
  • The Badge on the Test thumbnail will now show as Green.
  • The 'Take the Test' Button will update to 'View Test Results'.
  • The 'Expires On' date will be calculated based on 'Requires Renewal Date' Setting and when the test was completed.
  • User clicks the 'Next' button to proceed.


  • Once User has completes the Certificate/Certifications section, they will shown the 'Successfully Registered screen.

IF User fails 'Test Based Certification' test

  • In the Event that the User Fails a 'Test Based Certification', they will see a 'Sorry!' screen. User can either click 'Yes' to take the test again or 'No, I will do it later' to return to the main screen.


  • If the User returns to the main screen after Failing a Certification, the following will Update:
  • The Badge on the Test Thumbnail will now show as Red.
  • The 'Take the Test' Button will remain as 'Take the Test'.
  • The 'Expires On' Date will not be calculated.