The Vendor Contracts feature allows the General Contractor (GC) and subcontractors to establish and manage their contracts efficiently. This functionality is accessible through 'Vendor Contracts' in the FINANCE Module.


  • When a user with the 'Create and Manage Contracts, Vendors & Clients' permission (GC) logs in, they have access to all the contracts created for all the bids associated with the project.

  • When a user with the 'Manage and Review my Company Contracts' permission (Subcontractor/Vendor), affiliated with a specific company, logs in and navigates to Vendor Contracts, they will only see the contracts generated for their company.

Create Vendor Contract

Follow these steps to manually create a vendor contract in the system:

  • Access Vendor Contracts: Begin by clicking on the 'Vendor Contracts' tile. This action will take you to the Vendor Contracts page, where you can manage all your contracts.

  • Create New Vendor Contract Section: Within this section, you can create a new vendor contract by providing the essential information required for contract creation:

    • Title (Mandatory): Enter a descriptive title for the contract you are creating

    • Vendor: Select the vendor to associate with the contract. This can be chosen from the list of vendors registered in the application, excluding companies marked as 'Client Companies'

    • Bid Lookup (Mandatory): This dropdown displays all the bids that have been awarded to the selected vendor. Our Smartapp application only shows those bids that have been awarded

    • Contract Amount (Non-editable): The contract amount is auto-populated and read-only. It is derived from the 'Bid Amount' field of the selected Bid package

    • Contract Start Date (Optional): Choose the contract's start date from a date picker

    • Contract End Date (Optional): Select the contract's end date using a date picker

  • Add New Contract: Once you have provided all the mandatory information, click the 'Add' button. This action creates a new contract, which will be in the 'Draft' state, and it will appear in the grid

To view and make changes to a contract, double-click on the contract of interest. This action opens the right panel, which provides detailed information about the selected contract.

Refer to the following article to understand how to auto-create a Vendor Contract

System generated Vendor Contract from a Bid Package