Managing Change Events efficiently and with a user-friendly interface is crucial. Here's a breakdown of how it works:
Change Event Details Tab:
Name and User Presence: The name of the Change Event is prominently displayed. The user's presence is indicated in the top right corner
Change Order ID: A unique ID is generated for each Change Event created
Last Modified: This section provides details on when the Change Event was last modified
Estimated Change Event Amount: This amount is the sum of estimated changes to the Work Items within this Change Event
Contract Information: Details about the Client Contract are shown, including the Contract Name, Company Name (Client Company), Client Name (Point of Contact), phone number, and email
Detailed Description: This section offers a comprehensive overview of the Change Event
Funding Source: Displays the funding source chosen during Change Event creation, which can be modified if necessary
Change Order: Treated as a Change Order which goes through proper approval
General Contractor: Client is not ready to sponsor for this Change Event and would like the GC to take up the costs
Contingency: The Change Event budget will be taken from the contingency put aside for the corresponding project
Budget Line Items Tab:
Each budget line item is presented as an individual tile, and for every item, there are two options:
Provide an Estimated Change Event: Here, the General Contractor (GC) provides an estimate for changes related to this budget line item
Request Quote from Vendor: The GC can request an estimate from the vendor who won the bid for this budget line item, and the vendor provides a quote.
The GC selects the first option, providing an estimated change event. They enter a detailed description of the required changes for that specific budget line item.
Contract Amount: Displays the amount associated with the budget line item
Estimated CE Amount: The GC enters the estimated change event amount using the standard calculator icon or manual input
Updated CE Amount: This amount is auto-calculated as the sum of the Contract Amount and Estimated CE Amount
The GC repeats these steps for all selected budget line items. The Estimated Change Event Amount is the sum of all individual Change Event Amounts entered for this event.
They can also use the 'Add Work Item' button to add or remove budget line items from the Change Event Request.
Reference Files Tab:
In this section, GCs can attach reference files to the Change Event. They can choose files from the 'Select From Project Files' option or upload files 'Browse Locally'
To submit the Change Event, the following validations must be met:
At least one Budget Line Item should be selected in the Budget Line Items Tab
All Budget Line Items must have Estimated CE Amounts added
For Budget Line Items sent for a Vendor Quote, the GC should either have received a quote or canceled it and entered their amount
This streamlined approach enhances the efficiency of managing Change Events, ensures all necessary information is provided, and maintains a clear record of budget-related changes.