User Navigates to Finance → Client Pay App → Opens a Pay App Item Row → 'Billing Schedule' tab on the Right Pane helps tracking and reviewing selected billing schedule items linked to the payment process and mainly displays the selected billing schedule items that have been designated for payment.
User can Manage the Billing Schedule of the Pay App Items by clicking on the
Manager Billing Schedule Button
Following are the details of the Billing Schedule Tab:
Total Payout Amount: This field represents the cumulative amount of all the selected items that are in the 'selected for Payment' status, providing a comprehensive overview of the total financial commitment associated with the payment process.
Billing Schedule Details Examples:
a. If the Billing Schedule is defined based on the '% Work Completion,' the following columns are displayed:
% Work Completion: Reflects the percentage of work completed for each corresponding billing schedule item
% Payout: Represents the percentage of the payout allocated for the specific work completion milestone
Payout Amount: Displays the specific payout amount associated with each work completion milestone
Balance Amount: Provides an overview of the remaining balance amount after each payout
b. If the Billing Schedule is defined as 'Dollar Amount' based, the following columns are displayed:
Work Stage: Provides a detailed overview of the specific work stages associated with each billing schedule item.
Payout Amount: Reflects the designated payout amount for each work stage, enabling users to manage and track financial commitments.
Balance Amount: Offers insights into the remaining balance amount after each payout