A new setting has been introduced in the right menu of the Budget Manager, labeled 'Allow Multiples of the same Cost Code.' This setting facilitates the creation of multiple Budget Line Items with the same combination of Division/Cost Code and Cost Type. By default, this setting is enabled, granting users the ability to create duplicate entries. However, when this setting is disabled, users are prompted with a notification and are restricted from creating duplicate entries, ensuring data consistency and accuracy within the project.
Functionality of 'Allow Multiples of the same Cost Code':
Enabled Setting:
When the setting is turned ON, users can create multiple Budget Line Items with the same Division/Cost Code and Cost Type combination.
A toast message is displayed to notify the user that an item with the same combination already exists, but they are still allowed to proceed with creating the budget item.
Disabled Setting:
If the setting is turned OFF, the user receives a prompt indicating that an item with the same Division Code and Cost Type combination already exists.
The 'ADD' button is disabled to prevent the creation of duplicate entries, encouraging users to select a different code combination.
A toast message is displayed to clearly communicate the restriction, as illustrated in the mockup.