Following are the different Statuses of a Vendor Contract:

Draft - When the contract is auto-generated and when the contract is just manually added
Ready to Post - When all the necessary field values have been entered
a. Start & End Date has to be filled in
b. All Work Items associated to the Contract should have Schedule of Value (SOV) fully configured. (Green tick has to be shown against all Work Items)
Note: When Contract is in Scheduled/Ready to Submit state, If any of the Mandatory data is removed, move the status back to Draft
Scheduled - When all the necessary field values have been entered, and the Contract Start Date is at future date and contract has been posted.
Awaiting Acceptance - When Contract has posted by the Contract creator and has not yet been accepted by the Sub Contractor. AND the current date is not beyond the Contract End Date.
Awaiting Acceptance Unlocked - When,
Contract status = 'Awaiting Acceptance' (GC Posted the Contract to the Sub)
Then GC unlocks the contract when Sub contractor has not yet accepted the contract.
Then for the Sub Contractor the status is shown as On Hold
For the GC, the status is shown as 'Awaiting Acceptance Unlocked'
Active - When Contract has been accepted by the Sub Contractor., moves from Awaiting Acceptance to Active.
Contract Not Accepted - When Sub Contractor has declined the Contract.
Sent back for Revision - When sub contractor clicks on the 'Revise & Resubmit' button, the contract is set to this stage.
Closed - When all defined SOVs are paid accordingly for all work Items status is set to Closed.
Expired - When a Contract has been posted by the Contract creator and has not yet been accepted by the Sub Contractor. AND the current date is beyond the Contract End Date