After a Vendor Contract is updated and 'Posted' by the General Contractor (GC), a 'Change Event Item' is automatically generated in the Finance → Vendor Contracts → 'Change Event' tab of the corresponding contract.
Header Displays:
a) No. of Change Events:
Displays the number of times the contract has been updated for Change Events.
b) Total Change Event Amount:
Shows the consolidated dollar amount for all the Change Events associated with the Contract.
Grid Columns:
a) Name: Displays the name of the Change Event.
b) Change Event ID: Shows the unique Change Event ID.
c) Original Amount: Displays the original amount when the Contract was initially posted.
d) Change Event Amount: Shows the new Change Event Amount approved by the client.
e) Revised Amount: Displays the original amount added to the Change Event Amount.
f) Date: Shows the date when the Change Event Schedule of Values (SOV) was updated and Posted.
The Change Event Grid displays ONLY the Work Items that were part of the Change, grouped under the Change Event Name. Tapping on the Change Event Name will open the 'Change Event' Item in a new browser tab.
Subcontractors will need to log in and accept the Contract. Once accepted, the Vendor Contract status will change from "Awaiting Acceptance" to 'Active'.