Accessing List Manager: Go to the 'Mega Menu' and select 'List Manager'.

Creating the System List Entry: Click on the option to add a new entry.

Fill in the following details:

  • List Name: 'Air Quality Index'

  • Category: 'Safety'

  • Type: 'System List'

Defining List Values: Enter the predefined values and their descriptions as follows:

  • 0 to 50: Good

  • 51 to 100: Moderate

  • 101 to 150: Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups

  • 151 to 200: Unhealthy

  • 201 to 250: Very Unhealthy

  • 251 to 300: Hazardous

Hover over each individual LIST VALUE to display its respective description. 

For example, hovering over the option '151 to 200' will display the description 'Unhealthy'.

Note: Remember that the 'LIST NAME' and 'LIST VALUES' are fixed and not editable, and customization of the list values is not permitted within this system. For further assistance or inquiries, please refer to the user manual or contact our support team for guidance.