The Vendor Contracts → Forecast Tab provides a detailed overview of planned transactions, including rollup tags, under each Budget Line Item within a selected contract. Following are the details on grid columns, grouping and filtering options, and how to maximize/minimize the tab for enhanced visibility.
Ensure one or more Work Items (Budget Line Items) are associated with the selected Contract.
Rollup Tags and Budget Line Items:
Each tag (task/work) has an assigned rollup tag.
A contract may have multiple Budget Line Items.
The Forecast Tab displays all rollup tags planned under each Budget Line Item within the contract.
Forecast Tab Details
Forecast Transactions
Total Pending Refund
Total Pending Change Order: Amount in Dollars for unapproved change orders (Change Events) related to this contract.
Total Pending Transactions
Forecast Contract Amount: Total forecasted amount across all Budget Line Items under this contract.
Forecast Balance: Remaining amount across all Budget Line Items under this contract.
Search Control: Grouping and Filtering options are available for efficient data organization.
Grid Structure: Default Grouping: Grouped by Budget Line Item.
Group by Trade: (User-configurable)
Filter by Trade: (User-configurable)
Grid Columns Details:
Item Name: Displays the Budget Line Item name and associated Tag Name.
Budget Amount: Estimated budget for the Budget Line Item.
Forecast Amount: Estimated amount of the Tag (Summary Tag Estimated Cost).
Forecast Balance: Remaining amount of the total forecasted amount (Budget Amount - Summary Tag Estimated Cost).
Est Start Date: Estimated Start Date of the Budget Line Item and Rollup Items.
Est End Date: Estimated End Date of the Budget Line Item and Rollup Items.
Unit of Measure: UOM set on the Budget Line Item associated with the Tag.
Unit Quantity: Unit Quantity set on the Budget Line Item associated with the Tag.
Unit Cost: Unit Cost set on the Budget Line Item associated with the Tag.
Mockup shows examples of multiple tags created and the Forecast Balance becoming zero.
Mockup showing additional columns of the grid.
Grid below shows the example of a grid with no Forecasted data
Maximize Forecast Tab:
To view more data:Click on the 'Maximize' tab.
The 'Forecast Transactions' section and the grid will expand, providing additional details.
Click the 'Minimize' icon to revert to the normal view.
This guide offers a comprehensive understanding of the Forecast Tab, aiding users in efficient planning, tracking, and analysis of financial transactions within a contract.