Step 1 - Personal Info:
All fields related to user’s personal information are displayed with * indicating necessary fields.
For already registered users: The question “How do you like to get your information” is asked with two options:
Next Button: Initially disabled, enabled with an orange background when all fields are filled.
Step 2 - Emergency Contact:
Emergency contact information like name, phone number, relationship to the worker are displayed and the “Next” button is enabled when all required fields are filled. There is also a “Back” button available to scroll to the previous step if required.
Step 3 - Badge Photo:
Workers have two options: “Upload File” to upload their photo for the badge or “Take Picture” which enables the system’s (Desktop) camera to take a picture real-time.
Step 4 - Project Policies:
All project policies uploaded by the project admins will be displayed here. Workers need to open, read and acknowledge them all.
Step 5 - Safety Certs:
This is the place to upload any Safety Certificates related to the workers.
Safety related precautions will also be available related to the Project and Trade and workers would need to take the safety tests set up by the project admins.
Step 6 - Confirmation:
Indicate progress to "Confirmation" with a green tick.
There will not be a “Next” and “Back” buttons at this stage as this is the Confirmation
“Done” will be present and clicking on Done will onboard the worker into the system
Step 1 - Personal Info:
All fields related to user’s personal information are displayed with * indicating necessary fields.
Next Button: Initially disabled, enabled with an orange background when all fields are filled.
There will be no “Back” button as this is the first step
Step 2 - Emergency Contact:
Emergency contact information like name, phone number, relationship to the worker are displayed and the “Next” button is enabled when all required fields are filled. There is also a “Back” button available to scroll to the previous step if required.
Step 3 - Badge Photo:
Workers have two options: “Upload File” to upload their photo for the badge or “Take Picture” which enables the system’s (Desktop) camera to take a picture real-time.
Step 4 - Project Policies:
All project policies uploaded by the project admins will be displayed here. Workers need to open, read and acknowledge them all.
Step 5 - Safety Certs:
This is the place to upload any Safety Certificates related to the workers.
Safety related precautions will also be available related to the Project and Trade and workers would need to take the safety tests set up by the project admins.
Step 6 - Confirmation:
Indicate progress to "Confirmation" with a green tick.
There will not be a “Next” and “Back” buttons at this stage as this is the Confirmation
“Done” will be present and clicking on Done will onboard the worker into the system
“Switch to Dark Theme” option is specially designed for Tablets and this is how it looks before and after:
All the steps except the Dark Theme option will be the same in Mobile.
Step 1 - Personal Info
Step 2 - Emergency Contact
Step 3 - Badge Photo
Step 4 - Project Policies
Step 5 - Safety Certs
Step 6 - Confirmation