Daily Settings:

To configure Daily Report settings, follow these steps:

1. Access the Daily Settings by going to Mega Menu → PLANNER → Daily Settings.

2. Enter the roles for Creator Role and Approver Role fields. 

3. A new setting "Daily Report Approvers can also create Work Labor/Journal/Daily Impact for other Company" has been introduced. This setting will only be enabled when one or more roles are added in the Daily Report Approvers field.

6. If NO Approvers are assigned, the setting will be greyed out.

7. If Toggle is "On":

  • Checkboxes for Work Labor, Journal Entry, and Daily Impact will be enabled.

  • Selecting one or more checkboxes will allow the Company field to be selectable in the respective modules if the user has an Approver role.

8. If Toggle is "Off":

  • The options (Work Labor, Journal Entry, Daily Impact) will be disabled for selection.

Journal Entry:

To record a Journal Entry, follow these steps:

1. Add Journal Entry:

  • Click on the "Add Journal Entry" tile to open a window for entering your Journal Entry.

2. Enter the following information in the Journal Entry window:

  • Company

  • Date

  • Time

  • Journal Entry

  • Add Photos

  • Attach Files

Note: The “Company” name being editable/fixed is based on the Daily Settings that have been configured for the project.

3. New Safety Incident Setting:

  • At the end of the Journal Entry window, find the new setting "Was there a Safety Incident at the site today?"

  • Toggle between "Yes" or "No." If you select "Yes," a Notes field will be enabled for recording Safety Incident details.

  • If you choose "No," the Notes field will remain disabled.

4. Daily Report View:

  • The Safety Incidents recorded in the Journal Entry will be accessible in the Daily Report.

5. Daily Report Columns:

In the Journal Entry section of the Daily Report, the following columns will be present, following the same order:

  • Logged By: User who logged the journal entry

  • Time: The time the entry was logged

  • Description: Description entered in the journal entry

  • Attachment: Files/documents that have been attached to the journal entry

  • Safety Incident: Displays the responses "Yes" or "No"

  • Notes: The information in “Notes” field of Safety Incident response