The Budget Line Item selection control now allows users to select one or more budget line items into roll-up tags. This enhancement is crucial for tasks involving various types of work, each with its own budget line item.

  • Clicking "Create New Tag" in a Plan Board creates a new roll-up tag.

  • In the Finance Tab, clicking the 'Budget Line Item' field displays the budget line items drop-down.

  • Users can select one or more relevant budget line items.

  • The first selected budget line item is displayed in the field with Prev / Next navigation buttons to view the other budget line items.

Prev/Next Navigation:

  • Users can navigate through selected budget line items using 'Next' and 'Prev' buttons.

  • Buttons are disabled appropriately when the first or last budget line item is reached.

Hover Card Details:

  • Hovering over a Rollup Tag displays a summary of associated tasks.

  • Clicking 'Details' in the hover card reveals all work tags (dispatch tags) along with statuses, completion percentages, and costs.

  • A new 'Budget Line Item' column indicates the associated budget line item.

Filter Tasks by Budget Line Item:

  • Work tags assigned to multiple budget line items can be filtered to show tasks specific to a chosen budget line item.

Preventing Reuse of Consumed Budget Line Items:

  • Once a budget line item is fully utilized in creating rollup items, it is automatically disabled in the 'Budget Line Items' dropdown to prevent unintended reuse.