Following are the steps to associate Trades with checklist templates in the App Studio.
This streamlines the process for users by filtering checklist templates based on their assigned trades, ensuring a more focused and efficient workflow.
Associating Trades to 'Checklist Template':
Open the designer and navigate to the Checklist App.
Introduce a new 'Checklist Access by Trade' column featuring a multi-select drop-down containing all the trades registered for the project.
Users can associate one or more trades to a checklist template by selecting trades from the drop-down.
Hovering over the template will display a list of all associated trades for each template.
Associating Trades during Template Creation:
In the designer, click on the "+" button to open the Checklist Template Settings for creating a new template.
Introduce a new field labeled 'Select Trade having access to this Template' that allows users to associate trades with the template being created.
Create Checklist Items:
Upon associating trades with a template, when a user logs in and attempts to create a new commissioning checklist app item, only templates mapped to that user's trade will be visible.