To enhance security and flexibility within the Checklist App, we're introducing a new feature - Stage & Role Security for Checklists

This feature allows users to manage access permissions for checklist templates based on stages and roles, ensuring that the checklist section of app items is appropriately editable or read-only as per defined configurations. 

Following are the Steps involved

Navigate to the App Designer and open the Checklist App.

In the left pane, open 'Stage & Role Security' and click on Security/Role Permission.

Setting Up Checklist Template WRITE Access:

  1. Navigate to the App Designer and open the Checklist App.
  2. In the left pane, open 'Stage & Role Security' and click on Security/Role Permission.
  3. Locate the 'Checklist Template' setting and select the 'WRITE' access option.

Example: Grant 'WRITE' access in the 'Awaiting Approval' stage for a 'Consultant' user role.

Under Consultant role → Checklist Template setting → Awaiting Approval column, check the 'Read' and 'Write' columns.

This configuration ensures that the checklist section becomes editable for the 'Awaiting Approval' stage once the app item is saved and reaches that stage.

Setting Up Checklist Template READ Access:

  1. Similarly, navigate to 'Stage & Role Security' in the App Designer and access Security/Role Permission.
  2. Locate the 'Checklist Template' setting and select the 'READ' access option.

Example: Grant 'READ' access in the 'Approved And Closed' stage for a 'Consultant' user role.

Under Consultant role → Checklist Template setting → Approved And Closed column, check the 'Read' column.

This configuration makes the checklist item read-only for the 'Approved And Closed' stage once the app item is created and reaches this stage.


  • When a user opens the app item in the 'Awaiting Approval' stage and belongs to the specified role, the 'Checklist' section will be editable with the Save button enabled, based on the configured permissions.
  • When a user opens the app item in the 'Approved And Closed' stage and belongs to the designated role, the 'Checklist' section will be read-only with the Save button disabled, as per the defined configurations.